Jun 08, 2018

WBUR Covers Convergence of AI and Precision Medicine

June 8, 2018 – WBUR, the largest of the three Boston NPR-affiliates, produced a series on the biotech boom in Boston this week, coinciding with the 2018 BIO conference that took place at the Boston Convention Center from June 4-7.
Today, reporter Karen Weintraub dove into the rapidly converging fields of AI and precision medicine with her piece, ““Next Chapter For Biotech? Many Say ‘Convergence’ With Data Science”. She interviewed several industry leaders, including GNS Healthcare’s CEO Colin Hill, about what this convergence means for biotech and healthcare.
“We’re on a path to turning the lights on and revealing what works for whom,” [Colin] says. “And by getting at the underlying mechanisms of these diseases, we can now stop the guesswork. That’s what’s really exciting for me.”
Listen to the full interview here.